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Do You Need a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer?

While we love motorcycles for that one-of-a-kind feeling of wind through our hair, their sense of raw power, and the undeniable freedom they symbolize, we must also recognize the risk they represent out on the open road.
By 2002, Florida’s population grew to fourth largest in the United States, and by 2025, Florida is expected to be the third most populous state. In the 1990’s, Florida grew over 23%.
That translates to a near-exponential growth of commuters on our roads and interstates, and it is even more crowded as our teens get their licenses. Naturally, as roads become more and more congested there is a statistical increase in motorcycle accidents. But what happens when those abstract statistics become your reality? What happens if you are involved in a serious motorcycle accident?
Contact Lowman Law Firm After an Accident for a Free Case Evaluation
The first thing you should do is let a knowledgeable, persistent and compassionate attorney from Lowman Law Firm lend you some help. If you or a loved one is injured in a motorcycle accident, the attorneys at Lowman Law Firm are ready to put our experience to work for you.

Motorcycle Injuries

The State of Florida does not require riders over the age of 21 to wear a helmet, as long as their insurance policy provides that they do not have to do so. Unfortunately, Florida leads all other states in motorcycle crashes resulting in fatalities. In 2012, there were 467 motorcycle riders killed in Florida, exceeding the total fatalities of Texas (457) and California (435).
This grim statistic should serve to remind the people of Spring Hill, Brooksville, Hernando County and Central Florida of the gravity of practicing safety on our roads. Population increases, distracted driving and lax helmet laws are sometimes a tragic combination for our citizens, and particularly our motorcycle enthusiasts.

We here at the Lowman Law Firm in Spring Hill are concerned about highway safety.

To put it in perspective, in 2006 the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) 13.1 cars out of every 100,000 ended up in fatal crashes. Compare this to motorcycles, of which 73.24 of every 100,000 were involved in a fatal crash. Per vehicle mile traveled, motorcycles’ risk of a fatal crash is 35 times that of an automobile.

Types of Injuries Often Observed After a Motorcycle Crash

Collision with unforgiving barriers, or badly placed roadside lampposts, signs, fences etc., as well as other vehicles and the road itself can result in numerous injuries, including:
  • Concussion and brain damage, as the head violently contacts other vehicles or objects.
  • Broken joints and bones (elbows, shoulders, hips, knees and wrists), fingers, spine and neck.
  • Soft tissue (skin and muscle) damage as the body slides across the surface of the road (road rash) or is punctured by debris.
  • Facial disfigurement, if in the absence of a full-face helmet, the unprotected face slides across the ground or smashes into an object. Thirty-five percent of all crashes show major impact on the chin-bar area.
Because of the lack of protection offered by a motorcycle, these injuries are often much more severe than those suffered by a car occupant in similar accidents–even with appropriate safety gear.

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