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What Is High Risk Auto Insurance In Ontario?

High risk auto insurance is a specific type of coverage designed for high risk drivers. Drivers are considered high risk because they have a poor driving record, too many tickets, or too many at-fault accidents. High risk car insurance has significantly higher insurance premiums. High risk insurance companies have different criteria for what makes a driver eligible for regular or non-standard auto insurance coverage. Some of the factors are related to driving history while others are non-driving related. They consider drivers high risk when they are identified as having a greater likelihood than other drivers of being in an at-fault accident. Simply put – if you need high risk insurance, insurers see you as a riskier driver and are either not willing to take on the risk or will insure you at a high car insurance rate.

 We Are A High Risk Insurance Broker That Helps High Risk Drivers Get Insured Every Ontario driver needs auto insurance but sometimes getting coverage may be difficult or very expensive if companies consider you a high risk driver. This is how high risk insurance in Ontario works. Many ‘standard’ market companies have criteria for the types of drivers they will insure. If you fall outside of the standard driver criteria, they may consider you a high risk driver and you will need to find a company that specializes in high risk insurance. Being classified or labelled as a high risk driver can be very stressful and expensive when you need to get coverage. There is hope, though. There are companies and brokers who specialize in high risk car insurance and can help you get immediate coverage and get back into standard, more affordable insurance in the future.

ThinkInsure is one of them. We can help you get cheap high risk auto insurance, allowing you to get back behind the wheel. Driving Factors That Can Classify You A High Risk Driver Car insurance for high risk drivers is expensive. This is a reason why you should avoid dangerous driving habits. Here are common factors that can quickly get you classified as a high risk driver : High Risk Auto Insurance Broker Speeding Tickets And Traffic Violations How many speeding tickets or other driving convictions (not including parking tickets) did you have in the last 3 years? If you have accumulated more than a few, insurers may view you as a higher risk driver. Speeding tickets can affect insurance coverage and are one of the most common reasons for drivers to need high risk auto insurance coverage. Whether you have minor or major traffic infractions or have even been criminally convicted, our brokers can work with you to get a quote for high risk auto insurance and explore your options. Learn more about the impact of tickets on car insurance.

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