BRAIN INJURIES! Allow Our Attorneys to Help You Receive the Fair Settlement You Deserve
Allow Our Attorneys to Help You Receive the Fair Settlement You Deserve
When individuals suffer from traumatic brain injury, they are often left to face lasting ramifications that force them to alter their lives. Many traumatic brain injury patients never fully recover, and some even die because the damage is simply too big for them to handle.
While traumatic brain injuries most often occur as a result of auto accidents and falls, they can also occur because of assault.
How Can Our Law Firm Help You?
We understand the devastation that traumatic brain injuries can leave behind. Dealing with an insurance company can often traumatize victims further and cause significant amounts of stress that can impede the healing process. Injured victims have the right to pursue compensation for:
- Medical bills
- Lost wages
- Medical monitoring
- Rehabilitation
- Medical equipment
- Psychological care
- Pain and suffering
- Sometimes punitive damages
We have worked with many traumatic brain injury clients, and we have assisted them to seek a fair outcome. We stand up to the insurance companies and make them play fair. If they refuse, we take them to court to see them held to their responsibility.
Injured Persons Who Hire Attorneys Receive Greater Settlements
In a study conducted by the Insurance Research Council, those who hire attorneys to help them are able to receive on average 40 percent higher settlement amount. Although we cannot offer our clients guarantee they will win large settlements, our track record speaks for itself, and we refuse to give up on pursuing a case until we have exhausted every perceivable option for a fair recovery.
Call Us Today to Discuss Your Case
While there is always a statute of limitations to give injured persons time to file a lawsuit, time is of the essence. Waiting too long can allow valuable evidence to be lost. Since all personal injury claims place the full burden of proof on the injured, waiting too long can be detrimental and even cause the injured person to lose their case.
If you or a loved one has suffered a traumatic brain injury, we urge you to contact our firm right away so we can meet with you and go over the details of your case, to ensure that you will receive a fair outcome
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