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Wrongful Death Claims From A Lawyer’s Perspective

When I am dealing with a wrongful death claim, what I often see is a family who is trying to cope with an irreplaceable loss. They are feeling confused, helpless and are overcome with grief and, unfortunately for many, the loss doesn’t end here.

 The passing of a loved one often also leads to financial loss. There are many reasons for this. If the death is caused by an auto accident, then the standard auto insurance policy usually covers $6,000 in funeral costs, far less than the average fee for such services. If a family member or spouse was a contributor to the household income, revenue coming in stops, making those remaining in the home struggling to make up the difference. Then, there are loved ones so overcome by grief, they can no longer work or care for other family members.

Day-to-day responsibilities that were not thought about before are now an added stress from driving kids to school, helping with homework or taking care of an elderly parent. Picking up the pieces is hard. Finding time to heal emotionally with the added burden of financial strain, is even harder. Often during these trying times families don’t want to seek retribution or compensation. Many feel guilty thinking they are placing a monitory value to their loved one’s life.

Compensation and filing insurance claims in their view adds insult to injury as many require immense amount of proof in terms of their relationship to the victim, and victim’s contribution to household. It is here, in which the true value of a lawyer rests. Lawyers help navigate procedures, deal with insurance companies, and in certain cases, sue for financial damages (loss of work, grief counselling). Wrongful death claims can support victim’s family and provide the resources needed to grieve and move forward. If this is a topic you or a family member is struggling with, please contact us today.

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